Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Movie Review: 2012

"2012". I don't know about this film. I enjoyed the ride. But during the movie, I couldn't help but think that certain parts were just stupid. Prime example, end of the movie, they head to Africa. Why? Africa is the new Himalayas. Wouldn't you want to go somewhere other than an area that will soon be covered in snow and freezing weather? On the other hand, Africa wasn't destroyed by water, but it did have this massive land movement so wouldn't millions be dead and tens of millions dying. There isn't anything you can do to help them so why head in that direction. Why not just hang out on the arks until better land areas unflood. Then there was the whole Russian plane. They fly over Hawaii, but China is 1,000 miles off course? There was some interesting conflict, which I wish was played out better: pragmatism versus idealism. Both were right in many ways, but it just didn't get played out very well I thought.

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