Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Mulhollands and The New Hotness at Skinny's

I am on my Mulhollands kick and am enjoying it. Yes. Anyways I showed up at Skinny's for the second Monday in a row and ran into The New Hotness. I hadn't seen them in awhile. I've seen them individually around town, checking out bands that we both know but I've always missed them when they're actually playing a set. What do I love about The New Hotness. I love their riffs. They're long riffs that most local rock bands are unwilling to do.

I just love the below photo.

Then the The Mulhollands took the stage. There was a much larger audience this time around versus the previous Monday's set. That was awesome. A lot of people I didn't recognize.

The one unfortunate thing about their set was that a guy showed up who dropped his pants during their last song. He also did the same thing at a Fox and Hounds show a couple months back. I personally think he's a big jerk for doing that. Maybe some find it amusing? I find it disgusting.

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