Friday, September 11, 2009

A Movie Review: Bandslam

Bandslam.This movie almost makes it to greatness, but falls short. I saw this based on reading the Deadlinehollywood blog. I wouldn’t have given the movie a thought if it wasn’t for that blog. The first few minutes were just painful. I felt like I’d made a big mistake listening to the blog. There was a cafeteria scene at the beginning when Will first attends his new school in New Jersey. Everyone started going crazy for the upcoming Bandslam. Oh, such a painful scene. But afterwards it started to pick up. I left with a smile on my face. Now if someone wants to see a really cool under-appreciated high school movie, I’d suggest seeing “Brick” before “Bandslam,” but “Bandslam” isn’t an awful movie so it is worth a rental look though perhaps not a theater look.

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