Sunday, September 13, 2009

A movie review: District 9

"District 9". This is a movie that I enjoyed watching, but then out came a ton of questions – similar to my experience with Star Trek.

So here are my questions:

1. You obviously have an advance civilization that ends up stalling in your world. Now most of the aliens aren’t all that smart, admittedly, but there is still this massive spaceship above a major world city. The world decides to mistreat them and even experiment on them. Wouldn’t in the back of your mind you might think, “What if others come to rescue them and they see how we’ve treated them?" Would you really want an advance civilization seeing you torture their race?

2. At the end of the movie, the alien, Christopher Johnson, takes a spacecraft up to the spaceship. And the spaceship starts up. Now yes, the ships and weapons run off of bio-metrics or whatever, but wouldn’t you think that the world governments would have torn that ship apart over the course of 28 years?

3. And so there is video of the spacecraft falling to earth way back 28 years ago. Is it that easy to hide a spacecraft? Metal detectors perhaps?

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