Monday, December 20, 2010

Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New York Jets: 17-22

So this was one of those games I feared. Pittsburgh's offense had sputtered against Cincinnati. The New York Jets had lost two straight and a third straight loss might have ended their play-off hopes. My worst fears came true, Pittsburgh lost, but along the way there was a near awesome last minute victory.

Major problem: The Steelers' defense fell for so many trick plays. On one play, Sanchez (Jets' QB) did the perfect fake hand off and the Steelers fell for it and in walked Sanchez for a touchdown. That was the worse, but there were a couple others.

The offense: The offense looked good, but just couldn't get it going during a couple key possessions in the second half, but there were a couple impressive long drives. One led to a touchdown. The other provided two chances at the end zone, but unfortunately a last second victory didn't happen.

Oh well, we just need to make sure we win the next two games.

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