Monday, December 28, 2009

Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Baltimore Ravens: 23-20

It is very likely that this last minute push is too late for the Steelers. The seeding I see show that the Steelers are fifth for the last two play-off spots. It looks like New York, Houston and either Baltimore or Denver would need to lose next week. Too bad New York beat Indianopolis, it would have made for an even better picture -- that loss was a bit stunning. Next week, I could see New York and Houston lose, but it would seem that Baltimore and Denver should win their games.

Thoughts on the Game: Is it my imagination or does Rashard Mendenhall always seem to spin at the end of his runs. It would seem to me that occasionally it would be beneficial if he'd just charge straight ahead sometimes.

The defense finally held up at the end or did they? It did seem like Baltimore destroyed themselves with all those penalties.

I guess I've lost some my hope this year, but it does look like the Steelers are playing solid again.

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