Thursday, December 10, 2009

A College Classmate

I learned today that a former college classmate has lung cancer. I haven't spoken to her since college and have no contact with her.

In a random occurrence in life, I became friends with her sister. We eventually came to the realization that I went to college with her sister and that I knew her sister.

I never would have even known that my college friend had lung cancer if it wasn't for this random friendship developed in Los Angeles.

Disorganized memories come to mind today. I remember running into her every so often around the library, usually she'd be heading inside and I'd be leaving. I'd occasionally run into her and her friend around campus -- her friend was very hot I have to note. We also lived in the same off-campus apartment complex so I'd run into her there as well, usually with her boyfriend walking beside her. I assumed she came from a decently well off family, because she was living alone in a studio while I was living with three other guys in a two-bedroom apartment -- rent on a studio being far more expensive than splitting rent four ways in a two-bedroom apartment.

Randomness of life . . . It makes me wonder what has happened to other past friends.

-- Notes from Vivace

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