Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pu$$y Cow at Kibitz, I was sort of there

I headed off to Canter’s/Kibitz Room Wednesday night to catch one of my favorite local bands, Pu$$y Cow. It was an interesting night for me. I showed up around 10:30 p.m. Tina Stevens, a jazz singer, was doing her set. The set went on for awhile -- I think till 11:45 p.m.-ish. I spent my time just talking with various individuals.

Pu$$y Cow didn't go on stage till midnight. Now this is where I'm a bit of a loser. I stuck around for about two songs and then headed off to catch some zzz's. Oh well, my excuse is, I needed to work the next day and it takes thirty minutes to drive home, meaning I actually didn't get to bed till near 1 a.m. Does that stand as an excuse? Probably not. I suppose I need to be a bit more honest. I also wanted to catch some bands on Thursday night. It is sort of the same excuse . . . I just had to limit how late I could stay out on a Wednesday night.

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