Sunday, July 10, 2016

Uncles and Tyler Horn at The Hi Hat

Uncles has July's Tuesday night residency at The Hi Hat. Tyler Horn opened for them.

Tyler Horn's lyrics dripped with earnest depth as he worked magic with his guitar. He poured out his soul with lyrics like, "I won't forget the summer I called you mine." One thing I noticed: He was very meticulous on how he put his equipment away.

Uncles has a lot of songs about locations. For example, they said, "This song is called Colorado, it is also a place." Their music is Americana with a Texas twang. The drummer has some strange habits when he isn't needed. It almost looked like he might fall asleep. Meanwhile, the guitarist looked like he might accidentally fall off the stage due to his constant motion. In fact, I would almost bet that he just might fall off the stage during their residency. I hope he doesn't hurt himself when he does. Their set stalled out for a few moments when the drummer lost a small piece of equipment. They spent a few minutes looking for it before their final song. They finally giving up. Then during the middle of the song, the drummer noticed it on the kick drum.

Uncles comes to Los Angeles from Texas. How did they decide to move to Los Angeles? Via a Ouija board. No kidding.

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