Friday, July 29, 2016

TeamMate with Party Nails and Outasight at The Satellite

One final July residency meant that for this month it was off to The Satellite to see TeamMate.

Party Nails opened up the night. The lead singer came on stage and apologized to a band mate for only having one set list. He laughed it off. I swear the set list was on the back of a purchase receipt. To make sure the band knew what was coming up, she gave a quick intro to each song. I actually appreciated that as I love to learn more about a band's songs. The lead singer is one five foot ball of fire. Lyric, "Just make a move, what's wrong with you.

Outasight is a solo artist named Richard Andrew. He had a DJ that got everyone closer to the stage before he entered. When he entered it almost felt like an anticlimactic moment as he came onto the stage in such a mellow mood. His style is part hip hop and part stand up comedian. Though he entered in a mellow manner, he slowly built up his set so that by the end he had The Satellite doing some line dancing.

TeamMate is a band I haven't seen for awhile. I briefly got to see them at Make Music Pasadena. This is a two piece band that just doesn't stop for a rest. I loved the fact that the drummer was right up front. It gave me a great opportunity to photograph the drummer. The band also spend time programming lights. The stage lit up in various blues, greens and whites. A great set that thrilled The Satellite.

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