Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Dream: Bikes, Snakes

This was a semi-strange dream. I was living in a very grungy, nasty one-bedroom apartment. It was a long narrow apartment where when you entered you first came to the living room and then the kitchen. Between the living room and kitchen was a door that led into the bedroom.

I left my apartment one day pissed because someone had broken into my apartment and stolen my bike. The dream is a little fuzzy here, but I do believe I went to work. Instead of riding my bike, which was stolen, I rode a contraption that looked like a combined bike, hospital gurney and walker. I'm not exactly sure how it worked. In one part of the dream, it got really messed up and somehow I figured out how to put it back together so that it would work, but writing this down now (a few hours after the dream) I can't remember how it really worked.

I came back to my apartment and my apartment was crammed. Not only was my bike returned, but now there were about five other bikes, as well. What in the world!?! I exited my apartment later that evening to head somewhere and outside in the apartment complex hallway were four teenagers -- smoking and acting rough. I didn't really feel like leaving (I was leaving with my returned bike) at that point, because I half suspected they were the ones who had messed around inside my apartment.

When I returned, I returned with a friend. Once inside, we noticed snakes crawling towards us. I freaked out and leaned up against my kitchen counter. A snake came crawling towards me. There were snakes crawling along the floor in the hundreds heading towards the open door -- my friend wasn't frozen in fear like myself and had rushed out.

And then I woke up . . . freaked out about possible snakes under my bed.

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