Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Movie Review: Limitless

Limitless. We have Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper). He has an advance on a book, but can’t even get past the first word. His girlfriend, Lindy (Abbie Cornish), tired of being his bank account breaks up with him. Luck is with him (or maybe not) as he runs into Vernon (Johnny Whitworth), his ex-brother-in-law. Vernon gives him a pill, telling him it’ll free up his brain. He takes the pill and he ends up writing a most amazing first few chapters of his book. Well, Eddie needs some additional pills to help him finish up his book. He heads over to Vernon’s apartment/condo. He’s asked to do some errands. When he returns, Vernon is dead and the living room/kitchen has been torn apart. It dawns on Eddie that someone was searching for the pills. Well, Eddie goes looking for the pills and finds a rather large stash. With it, Eddie finishes his books and then decides to make some money on Wall Street. When you make money fast, questions result. Those who were/are also on the pill go looking for him, which includes a mafia guy -- oops. He also learns there are some unintended health consequences from the pill.

We have a well done movie here. Solid acting. Interesting story line. The only problem, is at the end of the movie, the new hair color for Eddie Morra makes him look like Data from Star Trek. Of course, maybe that was the point, but as his girlfriend implied, it was a little eerie.

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