Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Heroes S3 finale

So this is a super late blog on the season finale of Heroes.

I'm sure if you're a fan of
Heroes you've already read these articles. Essentially, I think these articles some up my opinion on the episode -- all essentially negative.



I thought this season of Heroes was a disaster. Honestly, I'm not even sure what really happened. What exactly was Nathan attempting to do? He seemed to have good intentions tied with draconian measures? And at some point during the season, did every single character turn to the dark side at one point or other? I have no clue. Maybe when the DVD comes out I'll watch the episodes within a shorter time frame and see if it makes any sense, but then I doubt I'll have the energy to do so.

On the PLUS side. The last few episodes brought "closure" to the whole mess, which means that next season can start out fresh. At least this is what I hope the last few episodes did. Of course, I've been rather disappointed with both seasons 2 & 3 so I can't help but wonder if I should just stop watching this show all together. You can only be disappointed for so long and then you just have to give up on a show, right?

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