Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious. I’m a fan of this movie series even though I thought the second one was awful. In regards to a timeline, this fourth film starts out between the second and third films. I’m not sure; however, how many years go by in this movie so perhaps at some point this movie crosses timelines with the third one. (There appears to be some passing of time between the Dominican Republic scene and the rest of the movie.)

I have to say I enjoyed this film. It isn’t going down as some classic movie, but for an adrenaline flick it is fun. The honest truth is that I’m not even sure I followed the plot line. I’m not saying it is one of those complicated plot lines like Watchmen or Dark Knight where you better pay attention or you’ll get lost. I’m just saying that I’m not sure the plot makes any logical sense. But who cares. The movie is about seeing the old cast together. It is about seeing new hot girls – Gal Gadot fits the bill. It is about seeing cars racing around the Americas.

Note: The tunnel scenes reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Note 2: I wish Jordana Brewster had a larger role in the movie.

Note 3: I didn’t see this movie opening weekend; however . . . I did walk by a theatre on that opening Friday night. I was amazed at how many teenagers were lined up for this movie.

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