Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Silverlake Lounge Part 2: Army Navy and Local Natives

Local Natives. So I went back on Monday to catch Local Natives at Silverlake Lounge for a second time. Part of it was driven by the fact that I was hoping to capture some better photos than last time. Part of it was driven (most of it) by the fact that this band is really good. So what happened other than some awesome music? There was some nice interaction with the audience. At one point, there were screams and cheers for a particular song. Someone in the band asked, “I heard everyone scream except for one person. Who is that one person?” A guy in a Celtics jacket raised his hand. There was some back and forth with the guy for a few moments. There was some nice interaction within the band itself. Towards the end of the set, it was mentioned that the following week was their last week of their residency at Silverlake Lounge. One of the band members got confused and asked, “Did you say this was our last song?” Another band member replied, “No, he meant that next week was our last night here.” The confused band member said, “Good, because I was going to have to jump him . . . . I’m kidding, I wasn’t going to do that.” It was a nice set. I recognized most of the songs from the previous set. I also recognized a number of the individuals in the audience, which indicates this band has a nice following. I can also say I helped out on of the band members. Before the set began, the violinist handed me a half empty drink, “Can you put this on the bar?” Okay, so that wasn’t as cool as helping out various bands when they knock over their microphone stands, but whatever. When I saw the violinist taking up the drum sticks and drumming away on the wood beams of Silverlake Lounge, the movie August Rush popped into my head. I just remember seeing the kid in the movie hearing and experimenting with all these different sounds. It isn’t like drumming away on wood is unique, but that strange connection was made anyways. I wonder what the violinist uses to drum on if they play at other venues that don’t have wood beams. I guess I’ll find out at some point.

Army Navy. They played a song from the Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist soundtrack. I was thinking they were doing a cover. But I went to just to make sure and well, they were playing one of their own songs. Cool. I didn’t know this fact about this band beforehand. Good for them for getting their song onto the album. There was this comment by a band member, “This is a new song. We’ve never played it. It doesn’t even have a title. It doesn’t even have lyrics.” It was a good song even though it didn’t have a title or lyrics. During their set, a photographer was taking some photos. This guy had a very high end SLR camera, one that if it is one of the newer versions has the price tag around $8,000 and if an older version still has a price tag around $4,000. He came loaded. He had three different lenses, which when two were not in use he left them on the stage. I was actually a bit worried for awhile that someone in the band might accidentally kick one or both off the stage. I guess I’m used to more active bands. I wouldn’t leave anything of importance anywhere near some of the bands I follow. Army Navy has a different feel though, much more low-key, which helps on the camera lens front. After re-reading the last couple of sentences, I’m thinking that wasn' the most ringing endorsement: hey, any band with a song on the soundtrack of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is a-ok with me.

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