Friday, February 13, 2009

Dreams: A newspaper article mentions two friends

I haven’t done a dream blog in awhile.

Here’s a dream I had last night:

I was reading a newspaper. I opened it up to the middle. I glanced at a rather long article and happened to catch the fact that Friend L was mentioned in it. There was also a picture of her with her child. The picture showed her and her child at a coffee table clipping coupons. The article mentioned how the hard economic times was getting individuals to pay more attention to cost saving methods. I was thinking, “Wow, I need to call Friend L up and let her know I’m reading about her in the Los Angeles Times.” I decided to read the whole article to see if she was mentioned elsewhere. As I was about to turn the page, my eyes caught the name of another friend, Friend L2. This one wasn’t a very kind mention. Apparently, Friend L2 was caught in a scandal. He had encouraged a local city agency to send children to his summer camp. He got paid for this service he provided. He’d then kill the children. The agencies unknowingly would send more kids off to his summer camp. I was thinking, “Wow, perhaps I should call Friend L2 up and tell him what an evil person he is.”

I honestly have no clue why Friend L and L2 (L is a friend I’ve known closing in on two decades while L2 is someone I’ve known for only a year) showed up in my dreams, but I do have an idea about why the specific story lines from the news article got into my dream. Before going to bed Thursday night, I turned the heater up. I have an old gas heater. In the past, I tended to leave the heater on at “3” the whole day. Now I turn the heater down during the day, and turn it up to “3” at night so that I’m warm while sleeping. I think I do this a bit opposite of some people where people turn down the heat during the night and turn it up during the day. Who cares if I’m possibly doing it backwards, because I’m still saving on my gas bill versus last year. As I was doing this, I couldn’t help but think about how I was attempting to save money on my gas bill.

In regards to the article related to L2. Thursday afternoon I read this article on about these two judges in Pennsylvania who are accused of taking $2 million in kickbacks by sending youth offenders to detention centers.

I guess I find it interesting (on Friday) how a couple of Thursday moments resulted in a specific type of dream.

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