Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pu$$y Cow, Manhattan Murder Mystery and Undercover Monsters at The Redwood Bar

Pu$$y Cow
What a night at The Redwood Bar. Undercover Monsters opened it up with some relentless punk. They were dressed in Hawaiian pool style. There were the coconut bras and hula skirt. And there was the big smile from the lead singer.

As for Manhattan Murder Mystery, this is a band I saw a number of times from 2010 - 2011. For some reason, they fell off my radar. This is, of course, my issue. I was really happy that I got to meet back up with them in 2016. I forgot how melodic their punk rock is and how they let their music unfold.

Lyric of the set: I was in the back of a cop car.

Noticed: Manhattan Murder Mystery had some nicely printed set lists.

Pu$$y Cow was headlining with the release of their 7-inch release party. They really know how to put on a show. Party streamers were brought out nearly immediately and by the end of the set the stage and floor near the stage was covered with streamers. The crowd was pressed close.

Noticed: someone threw a roll of streamers at the stage and it landed in a whisky glass. I wonder if they called it.

Lead singer Joe, as normal, was half naked by the end of the set.

Photo Gallery by QuickGallery.com

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