Friday, May 20, 2016

Madeline Spooner and Tiger March at The Satellite

Madeline Spooner
The night started out with singer-songwriter Madeline Spooner. She wore a black dress, which would have fit perfectly in a classic 1940s movie. She also wore an alien necklace locket, which would have fit perfectly in a classic 1950s sci-fi movie.

Comment of the night, as she was promoting her new song, "If you like it, I can sell it to you for a dollar." This was said with just a touch of an amused smile.

The crowd was very appreciative. She was friendly with the many folks who came to greet her on stage after her set. Someone yelled out, "It's like a press conference." Yes, it was.

Tiger March had some catchy tunes though unfortunately for them everyone was still talking to Madeline Spooner off to the side so their audience was initially small. After the crowd shifted back to the stage, folks started dancing to their music. The lead singer gave a smile to various folks in the audience, letting them know she appreciated them being there.

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