Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Dream: Seth Rogen and NPR

So some dream story time:

I was at my parent's. We were going on a family vacation. It really wasn't my parents house; however. It felt like a rented condo. I happened to hear on the radio, "This is NPR. Coming up next is Notes from Vivace and Seth Rogen. Notes from Vivace will be arguing one point of view while Rogen will argue the other."

I'm supposed to be on NPR? I talked to my mom, "Did you know that I'm supposed to be on NPR right now?" My mom said, "No, but your dad recently threw away an NPR letter that you got in the mail." What? I quickly called up NPR. I got to the radio personality and told him that I could only do a phone interview.

Suddenly, I was transported via the phone to the NPR radio booth. From there, I started to debate Seth Rogen.

End of dream.

Why NPR: Well, I was listening to an NPR recording that focused around former Duke basketball player, Quinn Cook.

Why Seth Rogen: I have no clue why he was in the dream though Neighbors 2 is out in theaters this weekend.

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