Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rocket and Spider Problem at Three of Clubs

It was off to Three of Clubs to catch Spider Problem and Rocket.

A couple weeks ago, a friend mentioned he planned to go out and catch Rocket. My friend knows his way around the Los Angeles music scene so when I noticed that Spider Problem was playing with Rocket I decided I had to head out even if I had a head cold.

Spider Problem was up first and an announcement was made by Shayne, "Just ten minutes ago I threw up behind our van. You can smell my breath if you want." Shayne had another one liner, talking about how she was BFF with the lead singer from Rocket. "She's my sister from another mister." One of the fun parts of watching Spider Problem is seeing Shayne going crazy on the stage, everything from tossing aside the microphone stand as soon as possible to sliding herself across the stage on her back. This can lead to the occasional accident (as highlighted in the occasional blog entry on Spider Problem). Unfortunately, this was one of those nights as she tripped over one of the monitors towards the end of the set. She got herself up off the ground, but soon dropped the microphone and stood off to the side. A guy in the audience decided to jump on stage and take over the microphone duties -- though I have to say his vocals are questionable.

Noticed: At one point, it looked like the drummer wanted to tear her top off. Sex appeal.

Rocket came up next. A five person all female band that exudes sex appeal. What do I think about them as a band? Honestly, I'll need to check them out again -- of course, I'm doing so to take another listen to the music, it has nothing to do with their high octane sex appeal (examples, lead singer straddling the bass drum at every possible opportunity and teasing various individuals in the audience).

Comment: That's such a depressing note you just played, Sarah.

Anyways, while watching Rocket I was trying to see if I could compare them to other female driven local bands. Are they a younger more punk version of 'The Like?' One could say the lead female singer has many of the characteristics of Sarah Jeanette from 'The Mulhollands.' And there is the friendship with Spider Problem. And then I couldn't help but think about the movie 'The Runaways.'

Keep an eye out for this band.

Noticed: Lead singer likes to repeat what people whisper to her. "Shayne just told me she won't make out with me on stage, because her breath stinks from vomiting."

Spider Problem -- Sleeping on the Job


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