Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Movie Review: Megamind

Megamind. Okay, let’s get it out of the way, Roxanne Ritchi has to be one of the sexist female cartoon characters ever created.

Now with that out of the way, this was a fun movie. Yes, it has a similar theme as Despicable Me. Yet, it holds its own as a great cartoon movie.

Basic storyline starts with a Superman beginning, but this time with two babies sent off to earth: Megamind and Metro Man. Metro Man is good, while Megamind turns evil. When Megamind finally kills Metro Man (not so fast, of course), he gets to rule the city. Of course, he finds that being evil isn’t a very good trait. And so he slowly starts to realize that he needs to pivot towards being good. And in the end, yes, he gets to win the heart of one of the sexist cartoon characters ever.

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