Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Movie Review: Moon

"Moon". This movie has some interesting concepts behind it, but it just doesn't deliver at the end. The story is about a guy who is alone on the moon. The moon is being mined for an energy source. He is the only person on the moon. One day, he gets into an accident. He awakes back at the station, unsure how he got there. It quickly becomes more complicated. Due to the accident, the corporation assumed that Sam died in the accident. They decide to activate a clone. My impression was that the memories transferred over to the clone and he can't recall how he got back to the base. He decides to investigate the accident scene. He ends up finding Sam and brings him back to the base. It so happens that they're both clones. The corporation is sending out a group to recover what they assume is the dead clone. If they find both clones alive, they'll have to kill both of the clones as a cover-up.

Here's what I'd like to know more from the movie:

1. It would seem hard to believe that this corporation is the only one that uses clones. There must be a cultural shift on the world that accepts clones. I wish this was explained a bit more.

2. I wish the film gave more insight into what happened to the original Sam. There is brief contact with the daughter via phone -- who then calls out for her father. You sort of wonder if perhaps the original Sam survived his 3 year commitment and the corporation creates clones to keep doing the same work. Of course, the film also hints that Sam's wife was straying after three years apart, indicating that perhaps Sam's daughter is calling out for her step father.

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