Friday, August 28, 2009

A movie review: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

"Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I think this movie is just brilliant. I consider this movie like a set-piece. It is a movie that is saying, "Hey, the final battle is about to begin, but just not yet." In a situation like this, the movie could be a total flop. It could bore the pants off of you, but the movie is executed so perfectly that it really didn't bother me that the movie just sort of trails off at the end with a, "Hey, we're not exactly leaving you on a cliff hanger, but we are leaving you with the anticipation that a battle is about to begin."

The romance. They're all starting to become attracted to the opposite sex in this movie. A lot of smooching going on. A situation like this in a movie like this could be painful, almost a side show that you don't really want to see, because it takes away from the driving conclusion, but it actually worked in perfectly. It gave a bit of a lightheartedness to the movie that has an obvious dark overhang to it.

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