Thursday, August 13, 2009

Spaceland: Local Natives and their residency

I invited a friend to come out to Spaceland. This was her first time at Spaceland. Before she arrived I saw a band called Rademacher. A friend told me at a Saturday night party that she planned on coming to check out this band. She never arrived, but I did get to see them and I thought they were rather good.

Red Cortez was the next band up. The lead singer was having some fun on stage. At one p0int he started to sing-chant, "Local Natives. Local Natives. Local Natives." He then broke up laughing, saying some like, "I'm just having fun." Interesting note about Red Cortez, there were four photographers with their SLR cameras taking photos of Red Cortez. I just found that interesting to mention.

Next up was Local Natives, the band I gave as the reason my friend should come out to Spaceland for the first time. Now my friend isn't used to staying out late, being a teacher and all. So before Local Natives started she said, "I might just leave at 11:30 p.m." I replied, "You've got to stick around for their whole set, this is why I invited you to come." She said, "If they're awesome, I'll stick around." She stuck around, because Local Natives were awesome.

It appears that Local Natives used to be called Cavil at Rest. Now the LA Weekly made fun of the band's name in a recent write-up. I also heard a couple guys talking after the set. One said, "They used to be called Cavil at Rest. They made a really dumb mistake changing their names to Local Natives." Actually, I like the name Local Natives.

Another interesting side note: For Red Cortez we were in the loosely defined second row. Someone how for Local Natives we got pushed back to the third row, not bad, except for the fact that the people in front of us were all like 6 feet tall. I was like, how did that happen. It wasn't like we couldn't see the band, it was just an interesting note.

While my friend took off after Local Natives, I stuck around briefly for Swim Party. If you've read my past music blogs, you know I hate staying out past midnight. I stuck around for three of their songs and took off myself. What did I think of Swim Party? I wouldn't mind seeing a full set, just hopefully when they have a start time before midnight. Half the audience had split by that point. The lead singer of Swim Party stated, "I know we all have to work tomorrow. We'll try to jam through our set as fast as possible."

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