Monday, August 10, 2009

Jessie Deluxe at Fox and Hounds

I got to catch an acoustic set by Jessie Deluxe at the Fox and Hounds on Saturday night. I previously saw her in her two piece band at the Roxy. She mentioned during her set that she decided to go acoustic/solo, because she was afraid that her two piece would be too loud. I don't know if she needed to worry about us, I think the Fox and Hounds has handled some rather loud bands. It was thoughtful of her and over-all, it was a nice set. She had one song that was dedicated to an opera singer, can't recall the name of the singer. To end her set, she played a song called "Bi-polar," which actually included some opera-like singing.

After her set, she walked around handing out her CD to those in the audience. Friendly personality, I say.

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