Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fresh and Easy Coupons

I’m addicted to the Fresh and Easy coupons that I get either in the mail or as a newspaper insert. Initially, it was a $5 coupon on purchases over $20 (excluding dairy and alcohol.) The more recent coupons are $6 off on a $30 purchase. I have a closet stacked with tissue boxes. My bathroom drawers have 4- and 6-pack soap bars. My kitchen area has bottled water on the floor. I half wonder if I’m being played for a sucker, but then I’m also thinking that this represents a 20-25% discount. I admit I usually spent a little more to assure myself that I’ve purchased at least $20 or $30 worth of product. I do think I’m benefiting from these coupons.

For about a month, I wasn’t getting any coupons. I was going through withdrawals thinking, “I was hoping to get some toilet paper with my next coupon.” Luckily, I finally received another coupon.

Unfortunately for Fresh and Easy, these coupons aren’t making me a loyal customer. I still do my weekly shopping at Trader Joe’s.

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