Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Top 10 list of 2011 Bands

Okay, so as 2011 started out, I was concerned that I wasn't seeing that many new bands that I found interesting.  Then the middle of the year hit and my Los Angeles music life improved.  It improved to the point that my initial 2011 list of candidates needed significant cuts to get down to ten (ish).

Here's my criteria on putting a band on my list:  I try to see a band twice before putting them on this list.  So I initially saw some of these bands in 2010.

Best Coast. I saw them at the 2010 FYF Fest. I saw them again at Make Music Pasadena. Their sound makes you happy to be alive on a summer day.

Black Flamingo. So you want to feel gothic? Do you want to be swept away by chants that cry out and then disappear?

The Child. I caught this band, because Lauren Rocket joined them. And then I kept going back and back again. 'Boomerange' will hook you.

Family of the Year. Americana at its finest.

He's My Brother, She's My Sister. Expressions of joy. You can tell they love life (I guess I should clarify this as being when they're on stage as I don't know them personally).

Lonely Trees. Monsters are Waiting II? That is perhaps not appropriate to say, but if you wanted to see Annalee Fery back on stage . . .

Love Grenades. I saw them at Silverlake Jubilee and fell in love.

The Mots Nouveaux. This is an Aaron Beaumont project that is still focused on the 20s, but with a female lead.

Raining Jane. One can sit back at Hotel Cafe and enjoy.

Sabrosa Purr. I saw this band a couple years back. I thought they were okay, but not anything special. Then fast forward and I say sometimes it takes a band a little time to find their sound. Wow.  Or maybe I just didn't realize how special they were at the time.  Whatever, just go check them out.


We Are The World. I only saw this band once at Silverlake Jubilee. Unreal.

And just a quick look at my list from 2010 (yeah, last year my ten turned into 12):

Cold Cave
Future Ghost
Lonely Wild
Lucy Schwartz
Nico Vega
The Like
The Submarines
High Life Cavaliers
Eastern Conference Champions

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