Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Movie Review: The Artist

The Artist. It is a silent movie shot in black and white. Perhaps the only difference between this movie and movies from the 1920s is that there is a soundtrack versus a live band. George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is a silent screen movie star. After the premier of one of his movies, he has a chance encounter with Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo). Peppy has the look and soon finds that she is making a career in the movie business. When sound arrives, she really takes off. She is the new face of the new technology. George; however, is placed into retirement. His wife leaves him. He finds himself living in a small apartment. His life is falling apart.

I enjoyed this movie though perhaps not so much as to say it should win best picture. I wish I could read lips better. But don’t worry if you’re as bad as I am. Key dialogue is highlighted just as they were in the 1920s. There are also very interesting themes in the movie. Sometimes great people need to learn to swallow their pride. Sometimes you just shouldn’t write someone off just because times have changed. Sometimes you find out who truly loves you when times are tough.

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