Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Movie Review: Love and Other Drugs

Love and Other Drugs. Are there situations in life where love just isn't enough? Though this film doesn't really address that question head on, it does probe around the edges and asks you to make that call.

I've recently become a big Anne Hathaway fan so this was a movie that I wanted to see. It is a movie that revolves around two individuals: Jamie Randall (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Maggie Murdock (Hathaway). The two of them run into each other when Jamie Randall (a pharmaceutics salesman) is invited into the examination room by a doctor who is examining Maggie. That run in doesn't work all that well, but somehow the two find each other interesting. The hitch is that Maggie has Parkinson's Disease, a point that I didn't know until Maggie is introduced into the movie.

Though this isn't a perfect movie, I did enjoy it. The movie doesn't revolve around Maggie and Jamie. There is a side story that shows the dealings that go on between doctors and big pharma. Though it doesn't dig into this issue (this is a romance, not a drama) is does provide you some interesting insight (though how much is exaggerated must be taken into consideration).

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