Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dreams: Two dreams in one

Kind of an interesting transition of dreams.

So I'm home and for some reason my family wants to visit the principle of my old high school. They tell me his name, but for the life of me I can't remember who he is so I look him up in the Year Book. Oh yes, I remember him. There is a photo of him with his wife and I'm like, "Didn't his wife die and he got re-married." (In real life, this is a fact.) So my mother and brother want to head out immediately, but I want to stick around with my dad and watch a little football. For some reason, I swear it was a San Diego Chargers game versus a Steelers game. Finally, I feel guilty for making them wait so long so I head out the door. They're in this big SUV. I'm like, why are we taking an SUV. Why don't we take that car over there? The other car having far greater gas mileage. No, we want to take the SUV, they say

And then the dream shifts to my car. I'm taking it into the dealership. I run by my normal service rep and I feel guilty, because I had just dropped my car off to some random service rep. I go over and say, Sorry about not dropping my car off with you, but I'm in a rush. He is also in a rush and says that it is no big deal as he runs off to see a customer.

And that was the end of the dream.

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