Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Movie Review: Somewhere

So a few weeks back I did my first movie review over on Intraffik.com. It was for the movie somewhere. Go check it out.

Potentially considered a spoiler -- a little bit more on the movie.

The last scene of the movie left me confused. What was Johnny Marco doing? He had a daughter he had to pick up and yet he seemed to be doing what his wife was doing, off trying to find himself. Well, I started to think about this and for some reason I think this is how the story concludes: I think those last few moments in the film show a father deciding to leave his Hollywood life behind (at least for a few years). He is trying to find somewhere that is appropriate for his daughter.

In the movie, we see his daughter breaking down in tears. She is afraid of not having her parents. Her mother may never return. Her father is off making movies and is seldom around. Johnny is seeing things through his daughter’s eyes and it is impacting him, changing him. For example, while in Italy he has an Italian acquaintance drop by for a night of sex. The next morning the acquaintance has breakfast with the family and Cleo is not that pleased, giving her father the evil eye. Later in the movie there is a moment where father and daughter are playing around in the hotel hallway. They enter their hotel room. Johnny goes to his bedroom and sees a starlet nude in his bed. He tells her this is not an appropriate time and quickly rushes his daughter out of the room. He is seeing that his lifestyle does his daughter no good.

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