Tuesday, October 16, 2007

In the Workplace: Air Conditioning

At my office, during the winter months, the air conditioner seems to work extra hard at blowing frigid air down on me, while during the summer months it doesn't seem to work at all. Luckily, I have an illegal space heater next to me that I am currently using. I don't know the mechanics behind the building's air conditioner, but I wish I did because I'd like to know why it suddenly just goes crazy during the winter months. Maybe I'm just more likely to notice the cold air during the winter months, but I do swear that I don't hear the draft as strongly during the summer months.

I will say this, last year I got seriously ill during the winter months and I blame it on the freezing office. Hopefully, this time around with the illegal space heater, I keep myself healthy.

Notes from Vivace

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