Saturday, April 11, 2015

Movie Review: Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending. So I heard this movie was bad. I decided to wait until it hit the $2 movie theater.  I'm glad I did.

Jupiter (Mila Kunis) works as a house maid in Chicago.  Unknown to her, she is the reincarnation of the House of Abrasax matriarch.  This House "harvests" planets.  Planets around the galaxies are owned by certain Houses.  After the population reaches a certain level, the planet is harvested.  Via some sort of production system, humans are turned into a medical liquid that allows those who drink it to return to their youthful selves -- not just in features, but also in health.  Jupiter's inheritance is Earth, which is reaching the point of "harvesting."

Now somehow -- perhaps it is explained or perhaps not -- the House of Abrasax's children find out that their mother has been reincarnated.  The children include Balem (Eddie Redmayne), Kalique (Tuppence Middleton) and Titus (Douglas Booth).  Via third parties, all three attempt to capture/kidnap her.

Jupiter ends up being kidnapped via various bounty hunters employed by the three siblings : first to Kalique than to Titus and finally Balem.  Admittedly, all three siblings are evil, being responsible for countless genocides.  Of the three, Kalique seems the most open to her mother coming back (mother being Jupiter).  But Jupiter's reunion with her daughter is short lived.  She is quickly shifted around between the two brothers, both of whom want her dead.  

I think this movie has a bunch of shortfalls that make it a disaster of a movie.

1.  The dialogue is awful.  Example.  Caine:  I have more in common with a dog than I have with you.  Jupiter:  I love dogs.

2.  The love story is awkward, see point #1 dialogue.

3.  Who is working for whom is very confusing.

4.  The symbolism is over-the-top.  Jupiter goes to get her eggs harvested to earn extra money.  The House of Abrasax harvests humans to create their life giving liquid.  Why do you need to pound me over the head with this?

5.  Jupiter is the reincarnation of royalty and yet she has to go through a Beetlejuice inspired bureaucratic montage to verify her identity.  Would anyone dare treat royalty in this manner?  It makes for some amusing moments, but it a worthless addition to the movie.

I could probably go on with a few more reasons why this movie is awful, but will stop there.

Wait, let me do one more:  the movie ends (spoiler) with Jupiter having the time of her life flying across the skyline of Chicago.  Wait, don't you realize that there is likely genocide happening across the universe.  Sure, one factory manufacturing this medicine was destroyed, but there are likely many more out there.  You, Jupiter, are a powerful person.  Why don't you use your power to stop this genocide?

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