Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Movie Review: Noah

Noah. This movie takes a rather horrid view of humanity.  Noah is based on the Biblical individual Noah.  Now Noah built an ark per God's command as God was going to destroy the earth in a great flood.  The movie follows this general story line, but what I found problematic is that Noah (Russell Crowe) comes across as a psychotic genocidal murderer.  Spoiler alert: here's a person who nearly kills his two grandchildren.  Essentially, anyone who considers this does not deserve to be seen as an hero.  This is a person who won't even save the most innocent of young women.

I will admit that Noah initially comes across as a caring human being.  He rescues a young girl named Ila (Emma Watson).  Something changes; however.  As the ark nears completion, he secretly walks into the equivalent of Babel and is shocked by the evil he sees.  This is supposed to explain the reason why he becomes a genocidal murderer.  Of course, he saw similar evil years earlier so why would he suddenly turn his back not only on the evil doer, but also on the innocent is unknown.

Ugh, this Noah is as bad as the evil doers he leaves to die in the flood waters.

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