Friday, April 20, 2012

A Movie Review: 21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street. Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) used to attend the same high school. Schmidt was smart. Jenko was the jock. They didn’t interact with each other too much other than Jenko giving Schmidt some verbal abuse. Seven years later they find themselves at the same police academy. After failing miserably at the most basic police assignment (bike cops at a park) they are sent to 21 Jump Street, a unit that deals with undercover work at high schools. Now I say, put aside the question of why you’d send total failures to do investigative work, this is one funny movie. From the humorous take on excessive vehicle explosions in action flicks to changes in high school dynamics (since this was partially written by Jonah Hill, I suspect the changed dynamics is more about what has changed over fifteen years versus seven -- fifteen being the approximate years that Johan Hill has been out of high school while seven being the time leap in the movie), this movie will have you laughing throughout. Best comedy out there since Bridesmaids – to emphasize, this is the best comedy since May 2011.

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