Monday, April 16, 2012

Mr. Downstairs, The GT350s, Sunfall and Dear Left Brain at Club Moscow

Off to Club Moscow, a night I love because I'm always introduce me to new bands. The GT350s came up first. I'm not sure they knew how strict Club Moscow is about the start times.  Sunfall and Dear Left Brain followed. Sunfall had a bad connection that delayed their set. There was a lot of running back and forth.  It all worked out and their fans showed support.  Dear Left Brain's lead singer had a one gallon container of water next to him. No, he didn't drink it all.  The main band was Mr. Downstairs, which has some sweet catchy tunes.

Joke of the night: How much does a polar bear weigh?  Enough to break the ice.

The GT350s


Dear Left Brain

Mr. Downstairs

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