Friday, August 12, 2011

A Movie Review: Cowboys and Aliens

Cowboys and Aliens. We have Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig) in the desert, he has lost his memory. Horse riders come up, asking for directions. They see a strange devise attached to his arm and assume it is a sophisticated handcuff. They decide to take him in as they assume there might be an award. Bad mistake. Jake wonders into a town where he soon encounters a couple interesting folk: Ella Swenson (Olivia Wilde) who has an interest in Jake and Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) who pretty much rules the town. We quickly learn there are issues between Colonel Dolarhyde and Jake Lonergan. Those are quickly put to the side when a common enemy comes around – aliens.

I know this movie isn’t winning over the critics and it is under-performing at the box office (I could see it still making $100m, but that is probably a far cry from what was hoped), but I enjoyed this cowboys and aliens genre mix. It was just fun watching cowboys dashing off after aliens who obviously had vastly superior technology.

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