Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mo-odds, Pu$$y Cow, Madison Bloodbath and Inoculators at the Blvd

I headed off to The Blvd in Boyle Heights. I've never been to this bar/music venue and actually I'm not sure if I've ever been in Boyle Heights -- though I used to live in Montebello.

The first band of the night were The Mo-odds.

Next up was the reason I showed up on this night, Pu$$y Cow. This was their last show of the year. There was a guest appearance by Andre from Silver Needle.

Up next were a couple bands I've never seen. The first was Madison Bloodbath. They rocked it. The lead singer is a bearded guy who sings like a crazy man.

The next band up were the Inoculators. This was their kick-off show for their tour. The drummer isn't going to join them on the tour since his wife is going to have a child soon. Cheers to them.

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