Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Hollows and Casxio at Spaceland

Spaceland. A friend of mine had never gone to Spaceland. She wanted to go. So a small group of us headed out. Two of them (including the friend that had never gone to Spaceland) showed up at 9:00 p.m. and sent a text asking me about my whereabouts. I had previously sent a text stating that I wasn’t planning on showing up until 9:45 p.m. I figured, oh well, I better head down there. So I arrived at around 9:15 p.m. and caught the back end of the first band called The Widow Babies. I can’t really say too much about them. The next band up was Casxio. I’d heard of this band previously. In fact, I believe they were on a bill once with another band I wanted to see, but I didn't stay around long enough to see them play. So this was the first time I’d actually seen them. I have to say I enjoyed their set greatly.

Finally, my last band of the night though not the official final band of the night, The Happy Hollows played their residency. Towards the end of the set, Sarah made a fun comment. Here's my attempt to repeat what she said, “We wanted to put up a poster out front, advertising our residency. But we’ve had no time. So we brought some crayons and paper. It is over in the back. You can design a poster for us. The winner will win a prize. A big prize.” That's a cool thing to do, but I didn't participate. Not artistic. And I needed to go to bed.

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