Tuesday, March 8, 2016

BERU, Sextile and Ghost Noise at The Smell

My occasional trip to The Smell happened on a recent Saturday night. It was amazingly fun. BERU opened the night with a theatrical set. The lead singer started the set wearing a horror-like face mask. Two of the band members wore some light up shoes. To close the set, two friends of the bands came out wearing masks and tossing flower petals into the crowd.

Sextile has to be considered the band of the night. This band reminds me of a cool mix of local bands Eastern Conference Champions (unfortunately no longer around) and Feels along with midwestern band Prizzy Prizzy Please. My random impression: I think the drummer basically runs this band. She seemed to be telling her band mates what to do.

Ghost Noise uses the keyboards to wow the crowd. The main keyboardist goes with his emotions. His hands spoke the language of their music. Each band member had a bouquet of artificial flowers on their mic stands. I think the guitarist was the least concerned about the bouquet. The bouquet kept falling off the mic stand and she'd just ignore the flowers on the floor. One of her band mates would then pick up the flowers and put it back in place.

Photo Gallery by QuickGallery.com

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