Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Dream: I'm Jennifer Lopez's personal assistant

For some reason, entertainers have invaded my dreams recently.  My last dream blog post discussed the arrival of Modern Family into my dream.

This time around Jennifer Lopez made a brief appearance.  In my dream, I found myself backstage to one of Lopez's concerts.  I wasn't one of her employees, but someone who had just been given a backstage pass.  I walked into a costume room and was approached by someone.  This individual handed me a beautiful sheer dress.  "I need your help.  Jennifer Lopez needs this dress.  Don't let it touch the ground.  Keep it on the hanger.  Keep it perfect."  I took the hanger and the dress.  I held it at arms length and up high to make sure it didn't touch the ground.  I walked down a hallway and into Jennifer Lopez's dressing room.  Out from behind a wall divider, she approached me and thanked me for bringing her dress.  She didn't seem like a diva what so ever.

And then I woke up.

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