Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Movie Review: Moneyball

Moneyball. If you read my blog regularly, you'll notice I write occasionally about basketball and football, but never baseball.  The reason is that I'm not really into baseball.  But this movie had some pedigree.  The movie was based on a Michael Lewis book.  I've actually never read a Michael Lewis book, but he did write books that I am aware of:  The Big Short, Blindside, Liar's Poker.  And this movie stars Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill.  It was also well reviewed.  And I got the impression the movie was about more than baseball; a movie about the implementation of a change in philosophy.

I'm not sure this movie deserves a best picture nod as some seem to be saying, but I definitely enjoyed it.  It is a movie about a General Manager of the Oakland A's deciding that he had to switch things up in order to keep up with money teams such as New York and Boston.  Sometimes you just have to think differently and sometimes thinking differently is actually the right way to go.

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