Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Movie Review: 22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street. Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) really aren't the best of cops unless they're doing undercover work among the student population.  Since they're a little old to go undercover as high school kids, it is off to college to see who is supplying drugs to the college kids.

In the school dynamic twist, Jenko with his football skills becomes the guy on campus versus Schmidt who is the geek.

Though this movie isn't as solid as the first, it probably still ranks as the best summer comedy (at least the ones I've seen) . . . yes, I would give it a slight nod over Neighbors.  I think I give it the slight nod due to the end credits.

I did miss Brie Larson though Amber Stevens' character adds a nice twist to the story.

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