Friday, August 1, 2014

A Dream: $8

Time for one of those dreams.

I was either in Big Bear or Mammoth.  Who knows.  Somewhere in the mountains.  I was with my brother.  We were renting a house on a lovely cul-de-sac.  At the door, I reached into my pocket to get the key and as I was pulling my hand out, my money fell to the ground.  I went down to pick it up.  I then started to go inside, but turned around just to check to make sure I had collected all my money.  I saw $8 on the ground.  A five and three ones.  I went to grab it, thinking I just had over-looked it.  I walked inside.  For some reason, I went for another look and saw another $8.  I asked my brother if it was his money.  He said no.  I bent down and picked up the money.  I then later took another look.  There was another $8.  I decided to see if anyone was losing their money outside my rental.  I noticed one individual across the street.  (In real life, it was a friend who now lives in Tennessee.)  I went to him, "Did you lose $8?"  "No," he replied.

Then the dream took a slight turn.  Suddenly, there was an ATM outside my rental.  The charge was $8 per usage.  I guess every time the ATM was used, it returned the usage fee.

Why I had that dream:  I have no idea.

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