Wednesday, January 29, 2014

San Francisco Dispatch #7: Cafe Du Nord - White Teeth, Bang Bang, The Lower 48

This Dispatch series was meant for Intraffik, but I'm posting the series here.

I went three straight weeks without venturing into the local San Francisco music scene.  There was a BART strike and then work took over for a couple weeks.  What’s the purpose of working in the San Francisco area for a few months if I can’t catch any local music?  I swore that no matter what I was heading out on this particular week.

My goal to check out new venues continued and so the week’s pick was Cafe Du Nord.  I didn’t know anything about the venue other than the fact that it was within an appropriate walking radius of a BART station.  So I didn’t have any special reason for heading to this venue other than it would be a new venue; however, after doing some research on one of the bands I found myself getting very excited about the night.  The band that got me excited is called The Lower 48.  Their Facebook page had by far the most “Likes” of any of the other bands scheduled for the night.  I did some casual research on the page.  I went to their “About” section, which didn’t state their hometown.  I took a look at their gigs.  I noticed that they played around Portland.  I am one who believes that a touring band from Portland equals a must see band.      

One Facebook event invite noted that the night would start at 8:30 p.m.  I was thinking:  yeah, right, the night isn’t going to start at 8:30 p.m.  Well, I was wrong.  I got to Café Du Nord at 9 p.m., walked down a long staircase to the building’s basement and White Teeth, a two piece band, was finishing up their last three songs.  The first song I heard made me wish I had caught more of their set.

Comment of their set after there was a cry for an encore:  The drummer doesn’t know any more songs.

This was a night for some two piece bands.  Bang Bang was up next, two gals rocking.  Their friends were out in force with their iPhones, taking videos and photos.  The lead singer sings with deep vocals and with a force that drives their music forward in an urgent manner.

As good as the other two bands were, the night belonged to The Lower 48.  They did not prove my theory wrong that touring Portland bands are awesome.  Their very first song had folks dancing.  This is a three piece band.  Two guys in suits and one gal rocking an updated Joan Jett look.  The drummer plays barefooted and divides a portion of his time to the harmonica and trumpet.  The lead bassist cracks the jokes. The gal plays the guitar and does the lead vocals.  And I swear that other than their wonderful music, I was fascinated by how the lead singer used her mouth to form the lyrics.  Now some folks in bands rock a certain look or have a distinct onstage stance, but here is someone who I swear must practice how she forms the lyrics.  There is no way that she’s doing this naturally.  It has to be practiced and if you catch this band she will have you mesmerized.

Fun moment of the night:  a woman in the audience was having a problem with her bracelet during The Lower 48’s set.  It kept falling off her wrist.  Finally, frustrated with it, she tossed it on stage.  The two guys in the band pointed it out.  The drummer yelled out, “I’ll take that.”  He got out from behind his drum set to pick it up and put it on his wrist.  At the end of the set, he tossed it back into the audience where a guy picked it up and tried it on his wrist.  The male friend of the gal who tossed it onto the stage pointed this out to her, asking if she wanted to claim it back.  She replied it was fine.  Considering it wouldn’t stay on her wrist, I’m sure she was happy to get rid of it.

Did I leave the venue on a high?  You bet.  Best music night in San Francisco (other than perhaps catching Los Angeles band NO on my very first music night out in San Francisco).  If The Lower 48 ever comes down to Los Angeles, I want to be up front.  Oh, and as for Café Du Nord:  as the name might indicate, there is an elegance to this basement level venue.

Southwest Airlines side notes:

Comment of a flight 1:  Federal regulations require you to turn off your electronic devices and that you don’t fall asleep.  Wake up!

Comment of a flight 2:  I am going to tell you what my dad told me when I turned 18.  We love you, but take your bags and get out.

Comment of a flight 3:  That sound you hear does not mean the wicked witch is dead.  I can assure you my mother-in-law in New Mexico is alive and well.

Comment of a flight 4:  If your mask does not inflate with air after one minute, please deposit $0.50 cents.

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