Monday, February 4, 2008

The Super Bowl

I wrote in a previous blog that I'd find myself with mixed feelings regarding the Super Bowl. Would I want the Patriots to win or not? This is exactly how it turned out. Initially, I found myself wanting the Patriots to win. And when the Giants got their touchdown with less than a minute to play, I found myself cheering their score.

Of course, I'm not sure I really wanted the Patriots to win intially. Yes, I was cheering for them, but it might have been out of frustration. I wanted to see some offense, but instead I saw really good defense played by both teams. I wanted to see Brady march his team down the field a few times, but instead I saw him knocked down constantly. So maybe what I was really hoping for was a game where both teams scored in the 30s, but a game still won by the Giants. At least, my cheering at the end of the game would seem to confirm this.

Notes from Vivace

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