Thursday, February 7, 2008

Strange dreams keep on happening

I’m on the second floor of this house. I’m with two other friends. I know one of them in real life. The other was a “dream” friend. We’re in a bedroom. We hear downstairs someone breaking into the house. What do we do? Luckily my “dream” friend (this is her house) has a safe room – in her closet. The two of us dash for it, but my “real” friend decides he better go to the bathroom first. So he uses the bathroom while we’re telling him to hurry up, because surely the person downstairs can hear him. He seems to take forever in the bathroom, but he finally finishes up and gets into the safe room. Now the safe room isn’t all that safe. It is just a closet door. We see the intruder come into the bedroom. He’s a big giant of a guy. We know him; however. I find myself irritated that someone we know is trying to rob my friend’s house. I push my way out of the safe room and start attacking him, hitting him like crazy. “What are you trying to do?” I scream. His response, “I need $1,000.”

Notes from Vivace.

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