Friday, November 25, 2016

Fatal Jamz with Leon Else and Starcrawler at The Echo

Off to The Echo to catch another residency night. Leon Else opened things up. He's a Brit invader. He gave a sweat filled set -- not used to the warmer weather of SoCal? He wore black, looking a bit like the black clad bad guy in American westerns or maybe a Johnny Cash who likes to dance.

Starcrawler was amazing. The set started with the band jamming. Suddenly, someone came rushing up behind me. He was carrying the lead singer who was in a straight jacket. He deposited her into the stage. Oh yeah, I knew this was going to be a solid set.

Fatal Jamz gave a Bowie-style dance set. The lead singer sure knows how to stage a look Zoolander style.

the echo nov 2016

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