Saturday, August 20, 2016

Frogtown Art Walk and Honeychain

Honeychain was the first band up at the Frog Spot. This was my first time seeing this band even though I've been aware of them for the last couple years. Wow, it took a long time to catch this band.

Their guitarist used to play in Silver Needle -- a band I saw many a time.

What did I notice: the lead singer had some really clean shoes. Also, this band likes to lean on each other. This is a band that just likes to rock. They were also thoughtful. They cut a song out of their set, because they knew they'd started their set late and they didn't want to cause everyone else to get pushed off their start times.

After seeing Honeychain, I took off for a walk going to various locations to see some cool paintings, photos and sculptures. Some locations had chips, bagels, candy, fruits and other snacks. I snacked away.

Photo Gallery by

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