Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Dream: Tsunami

A Dream. I've been reading a book about the Lisbon earthquake. So here's how my short dream went.

I was staring towards the ocean. To my right was a rocky mountain. There were massive cliffs, but there was an opening that led into a ravine that was then surrounded by the rocky mountain.

A massive tsunami started to slam into the shore. I took off running into the mountain opening. Once inside, I rushed to my left and started running, climbing up the rocky mountain. The waters rushed through the opening and started crashing up the mountain. I was getting exhausted, but I knew I had to keep going to be totally safe from the water. Luckily, I came across parallel bars, similar to those used for gymnastics. Unlike gymnastics, the bars were only three or four feet above the ground. I jumped atop them, arms on one and legs on the other. The waters continued towards me, but at this point the height of the tsunami was only a foot. I breathed a sigh of relief as the waters began to reverse back out of the ravine. Yet, I stayed on the mountain side, waiting for the next tsunami.

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